3 Myths About Modeling

At one time, there were many gate keepers to gain access to the modeling industry. Here are 3 myths about becoming a model.

Casting can be accessed online now

To become a model back in the 1980s or 90s, you typically needed a modeling agency. To be signed to an agency, you had a to have had a very specific look, typically very tall and slender and usually blonde.

Gone are the days of that look. Models of all looks and backgrounds are able to flourish in the modeling industry. Because there is so much diversity, the gate keepers that once held back aspiring models are gone and models are able to approach the industry on their own terms. Here are some misconceptions about the industry.

1. It’s only the Look

Of course, in order to get signed to a modeling agency you need to have a look that the casting director or modeling scout is looking for. But much more important than your look is your personality. Having a personality that excels in front of the camera as well as in interviews is a requirement in order to become a successful model.

2. You have to live in NYC

While living in a big city, like New York will provide many more opportunities, there are many smaller markets that are flourishing. In fact, if you are located in a smaller market, there is last competition, so it may be easier to get started as a model.

3. You need an Agency

A modeling agent is in the business of booking a model work. They’re not in the business of developing new or aspiring models. With the rise of the social media, many casting directors are able to scout models directly online or through online platforms. Latitude Talent is an example of an online platform that can propel an aspiring model to opportunities they may have difficulty finding on their own.

If you want to become a model, you have many more options than a modeling agency. Once you’re ready to really invest in your path, getting started as a model is much easier.

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